Welcome to Cambio
Pikes Peak!

We are so happy to welcome you to our second studio location at 1604 E Pikes Peak Ave

Ways to Pay

At Cambio you can pay as you go or choose to save with a monthly membership or donate for single classes.

  • Class Full? Many classes are also offered via live-stream, so if the class you want to attend is booked up in-studio, head to our Live-Stream schedule to attend from home, or check out our Austin Bluffs location here.
  • Studio Protocol: Doors will open 30 minutes before class close right when class starts. Mat rentals are available for $1 upon arriving at the studio. Please bring your own towel for hot yoga.  Read about our COVID response at cambioyoga.com/health
  • Parking: We can park in the parking lot to the north and west of the studio. Coming in to our parking lot, the entrance is one way, and leaving, the alley is two way. The wall along Action Therapy is reserved for them during their business hours. Please be sure to remove or hide valuables and keep your car locked.
  • Schedule not showing up on the website? Download the Cambio Yoga app and register from there. 

Cancellation Policy

For refunds, we require 24 hour cancellation notice on classes and 48 hour notice on workshops. We will hold reserved spaces until 5 minutes before class starts. At that time, unclaimed spaces are given to waitlist clients.

Pikes Peak Parking

We can park in the parking lot to the north and west of the studio. Coming in to our parking lot, the entrance is one way, and leaving, the alley is two way. The wall along Action Therapy is reserved for them during their business hours. Please be sure to remove or hide valuables and keep your car locked

Yoga management software

Pregnant Students

No doctor's note is needed for prenatal yoga, however pregnant students who wish to take other classes must submit a doctors note to Cambio prior to attending non-prenatal class. Email info@cambioyoga.com to submit the note.

If you are taking a hot or heated class, you also need a previously established heated practice.

Thank you for helping us to help you!

Yoga is a way of life and should be accessible to all.


Community is important. Everyone is a valuable member and we are here to serve our community.


Everyone is perfect just as they are. Everyone has their own path and is at a different point in life.


From physical abilities to beliefs, everyone is at the right place at the right time.

Cambio Yoga

3326 Austin Bluffs Parkway
Colorado Springs, Colorado


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